Mia Evanz ツ
Lelaki kene tahu seseorang wanita yg benar2 mencintai kamu, dia akan marahkan kamu utk byk perkara, ttp masih trm kamu walaupun kamu byk menyakitkan hatinya...

p/s: please pause the music on the top for a while before watch this video.thank you.

Posted at 22:04 | 0 comments


♥ mia riesha ♥ ✿ I'M TAKEN ! ✿ IHello visitors! Thanks for taking time to come here.btw,if korunk nak tengok older post,korang kene tekan button entries kat bawah ni dulu tw..baru button older/newest post tu keluar..dia malu skit..hihi..TQ I

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